an assortment of stuff from SORTED

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Who’s the boss? Is it a PA?

This BBC Business Daily radio programme lauds the PA – and about time too!

Recorded at the Office event at Earl’s Court, it discusses how PAs are The People People with great skills, great contacts and just general greatness!  Finally it’s being realised that PAs are not glorified secretaries, but talented people who enjoy a varied workload and are very positive about their career choice.

The Power of the PA is recognised too, not just for influencing decisions, but with actual purchasing power.

The programme obviously features trends from the corporate market, but many of the premises are more relevant for Private PAs – what we know about Private PAs is they’re extraordinarily resourceful, valuable members of a team, business or family.

It’s noted that technical skills are taken as a given – any PA worth their salt can manage outlook on the move, but what is recognised is that PAs are the eyes and ears of their employers while being loyal and efficient.

  • Using their excellent communication skills they are adept at building and maintaining relationships.
  • They are extraordinary networkers with proactive attitudes and are self-developers.
  • PAs are culturally aware and diplomatic with cheerful dispositions.

Private PAs are more mobile and independent than their corporate cousins and every PA that SORTED represents has these attributes and more.  On top of that, they’re jolly nice people who care about others.

So a big shout out to the BBC for FINALLY recognising a career that is too often demeaned.

Listen here BBC iPlayer – Business Daily: Personal Assistants.

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